Forgive me for leaving you behind
but I have secrets that I must hide
I know by going away I'll lose you
but that's the only way to make you let me go.
Deep down you know I love you
you love me back, I know you do
but many troubles that I've caused you
I wont let you get hurt anymore
By giving up on you, or so you think I do
I'm giving away my soul, by not seeing you
It hurts me to watch you going down
and being vulnerable to the mistakes I've done
I know that now it makes no sense to you
but you'll know that I'm at the end right at all
I see it in your crying eyes
even when I leave you hurt behind
you'll get over it and be for me fine
I can read the words beneath your eyes
Now I'll go and you wont get me
I'll vanish into the air,
you wont know how to track me
Maybe you'll say that for me it was easy
but letting you slip and leaving you behind
wont be for me easier
I left you to give you a chance in a new life
I left cause I love you so much
and to keep your love in me alive
You wont thank me for the pain i left inside
but later you'll, knowing that I was right